Thursday, 26 January 2012

No Torchwood In 2012. Sigh.

While talking to Cultbox, Eve Myles of Torchwood ( and Dragon Age II, of course), said she'd like it if the series could have clear cut finish.

"Nothing's going to happen in 2012, I know that much for sure. But who knows what will happens in 2013? Maybe a movie, to kinda draw a line under it? [The fans} deserve Torchwood to go ahead with something else to draw a line under it...for the fans to have a bit of closure."

"I think it would be nice to be back in Wales. That's where it was born and maybe it would be nice to end it there.

Yeah, that's John Barrowman in La cage Aux Folles
"John [Barrowman} is very much on the same page as me, in that if and when they need us, they can just pick up the phone and we will be there before they've even put the phone down, because it's something we love doing.

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